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The data capture revolution: Cheaper, faster, and more accessible than ever before

In the digital age, data is the pillar of business success. From optimizing processes to driving innovation, organizations rely on data to make informed decisions. Fortunately, data capture is undergoing an exciting transformation, becoming cheaper, faster, and more accessible than ever before. Let's explore the evolution of data capture and survey technologies, the opportunities and challenges they present, and the transformative power of digital twins in gathering, processing, and analyzing geospatial data.

Evolution of data capture

Data capture

The landscape of data capture has evolved significantly over the years. Traditional methods involved manual data entry and paper-based surveys, which were time-consuming and error-prone. However, advancements in technology have greatly improved data capture, making it faster, more accurate, and cost-effective. As the industry continues to explode (worth an estimated $30.6B USD in 2022), drone flight and capabilities continue to be rigorously enhanced and optimized. This explosion in investment and potential suppliers has driven drone prices down significantly over the past 10 years, increasing accessibility to customers and businesses. Capturing a visual representation of physical sites has become relatively easy and affordable. Handheld and wearable devices, along with drones, have become widely available, creating the baseline for enabling visual work. This technology is particularly well suited to brownfield facilities with the need to understand and communicate current site conditions.

Today, tools like LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and drones equipped with high-resolution cameras enable rapid and precise mapping of terrain and assets, transforming how geospatial data is collected. Research by MarketsandMarkets projects the global LiDAR market to reach $2.8 billion by 2025, driven by increasing demand for 3D imaging and mapping solutions. Remarkably, even personal devices like iPhones are now equipped with LiDAR scanners, bringing data capture capabilities to the palm of your hand. With the latest iPhone models, users can access LiDAR technology to capture detailed 3D scans of their surroundings. This innovation democratizes data capture, allowing individuals to digitize spaces and objects with ease, opening up new possibilities for augmented reality, virtual tours, and spatial analysis.

Opportunities and challenges

Drone data capture

While digital data capture technologies offer numerous opportunities for organizations to leverage data for strategic advantage, they also present significant challenges. Let's examine both aspects to understand the full landscape. Real-time monitoring systems powered by IoT (Internet of Things) sensors enable continuous data collection, providing valuable insights for decision-making and risk management. However, the increase of data also poses challenges, such as managing large volumes of heterogeneous data and ensuring data quality and integrity. Addressing these challenges requires robust data management and analytics capabilities.

For example, as artificial intelligence and machine learning automation grows, the need for reliable data becomes essential to ensure quality outcomes. However, managing vast and diverse data while maintaining its integrity poses significant hurdles. To overcome these challenges, organizations must possess strong data management and analytics capabilities. By effectively handling and analyzing their data assets, organizations can extract valuable insights and drive informed decision-making and innovation.

Visualize, aggregate, and organize with digital twins


We all know that high-quality data lacks significance without a secure storage, analytical framework, and accessible visualization platform. Digital twins play a monumental role in gathering, processing, and analyzing geospatial data. By creating digital replicas of physical assets and environments, digital twins enable organizations to simulate scenarios, predict outcomes, and optimize operations. VEERUM's DigitalTWIN allows you to unify, visualize and understand all your complex asset data in a single screen. We help large industrial clients aggregate millions of data points across a large suite of geographically distributed sites. This comprehensive view empowers organizations to identify patterns, trends, and insights that may have been previously overlooked, facilitating more informed decision-making. Additionally, VEERUM's DigitalTWIN provides real-time monitoring and analysis, enabling proactive maintenance and mitigating risks. By leveraging VEERUM's DigitalTWIN, organizations can streamline data capture processes, enhance data accuracy, and maximize the value of their geospatial data assets.

In conclusion, the data revolution is underway, with data capture becoming cheaper, faster, and more accessible than ever before. From the evolution of data capture technologies to the opportunities and challenges they present, and the transformative power of digital twins in gathering, processing, and analyzing geospatial data, organizations can unlock new insights and drive innovation in the digital era. As we continue to capitalize on the power of data, the possibilities are limitless, shaping the future of industries and economies worldwide. 

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